sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2020

Capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Madeira Island

N 32º40.575' / W 016º54.038'


A capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição foi levantada em 1935, segundo projecto do Arquitecto Edmundo Tavares e de acordo com o gosto revivalista neo-barroco, divulgado em Portugal por Raúl Lino e que duraria durante uma parte do Estado Novo. A capela levantou-se sobre uma outra mais antiga, então arruinada, estando concluída em 1936 e integrando-se harmoniosamente na antiga Quinta da Conceição. O parque ajardinado apresenta empedrados tradicionais em calhau rolado e bancos de jardim decorados com azulejos da Fábrica Santana de Lisboa.

O edifício da Capela apresenta largo alpendre decorado com grandes painéis religiosos da mesma fábrica, que também decoram o interior, executados segundo desenhos do pintor Américo Tavares, irmão do arquitecto, que também executou os óleos do retábulo e do frontal. A capela ainda possui uma colecção de vitrais de Ricardo Leone.


The Chapel of Our Lady of Conception

The chapel of Our Lady of Conception was built in 1935, according to the project of the Architect, Edmundo Tavares and in keeping with the revivalist neo-baroque style, popularized in Portugal by Raúl Lino and that lasted during part of the New State.

The chapel was built upon a previous older chapel which was in ruins. The building was concluded in 1936 and blended harmoniously with the old Quinta da Conceição. In its gardened park there are traditional paving in smooth rounded pebble stones and garden benches decorated with tiles made at the Santana Factory in Lisbon.

In the Chapel building there is a square porch decorated with large religious panels from the same factory. These also decorate the interior and were produced according to drawings by the painter Américo Tavares, brother of the architect, who also did the oil paintings of the retable and of the front. There is also a collection of stained glass windows in the chapel designed by Ricardo Leone.

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